MEMBERS PRESENT:  Edie Demarse, Marsha Evans, Kyle Fennell, Amber Gladle, Ashley Gadway, Larry Kelley, Sarah Klock, Roxanne Leclerc, Tracie Lucas, John Maskell, Adrienne Smith, Alissa Stebbins, Laurinda Stockwell, Kathy Valancius, Scott Wilhelm, Janice Marlow



Meeting called to order by President Roxanne Leclerc at 4:04 p.m.

Roxanne introduced Craig Hilchey from Section 7 who is joining our rules interpretation presentation by NYSCVOA President, Sally Wise

Motion to accept previous meeting minutes was made by Kyle and 2nd by Sarah.  All in favor.

Janice indicated the treasurers report is still be worked on and will be available at the next meeting.

Roxanne handed out W-9’s and asked everyone to complete and return before the end of the meeting.

Roxanne reminded everyone to please be checking emails daily as our season begins and emails is our mode of communication. 

Discussion that next meetings will be held at Potsdam Middle School in Marsha Evan’s room.

The next probationary clinic will be held Thurs 8/19th at 4:30 p.m. at SUNY Canton.

Please be aware that masks are required to be worn by officials.  It was also suggested that an electronic hand held whistle might be easier to use than a whistle behind your mask. 

Reminder that if you have a school you should not or do not want to work at to please let Marsha know.

Marsha stated the season starts Sept 2.  She is unsure if any scrimmages are being held at this time.

Ashley and Laurinda will work together on any awards for this season.

Adrienne stated the NYSCVOA website has a link to all the coaches. 

Ade stated that all officials should have the printed version of the Policy and Procedures Manual with them at all matches. 

The Coaches meeting is being held 8/25th at 6:00 p.m. at Potsdam High School.  Ade will attend for rules interp to coaches.

Ade stated the home school must provide a tracker whether they have a libber or not.

It is recommended that we all be prepared officials and carry scoring sheets, line up sheets, tracking sheets, liablity/accident reports and the Procedure Manual with you.

Please print the vouchers out and complete them before your match and bring them to the school with you.

Business meeting adjourned at 4:45 with motion made by Edie and 2nd by Marsha.  All in favor.

Sally Wise then presented the Rules Interpretation component with a power point presentation. 

Sally reiterated the need to print out the Procedures Manual and have it with you at games.

Sally explained that the scorers module on the website must be taken and passed to 100% before you can go forward with the regular test.

There will be no switching sides this season.  The serve will switch but the teams will stay on one bench the whole match.

We then went into the gym where FA Varsity team was set up to play and several officials were rated with our rating team and Sally Wise.

 Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.