North Country Volleyball Board 

10/22/23 Meeting minutes

Potsdam Middle School

Members Present: Edie Demarse, Marsha Evans, Ashley Gadway, Amber Gladle, Larry Kelley, Sarah Klock, Roxanne Leclerc, Tracie Lucas, John Maskell, Janice Marlow, Adrienne Smith, Laurinda Stockwell, Kathy Valancius, Sam Sochia, Chris Savage, Scott Wilhelm, Kate Porter.

Missing: Paul Jones, Kyle Fennell

Meeting called to order by president Roxanne Leclerc at 3:03

President Report/Concerns:

Meeting- NYSPHSAA- section X Sunday October 29th 3pm @ Massena Fire Department.  Roxanne is unable to attend therefore, Larry has offered to go in her spot. 

Discussed changes in handbook: 

  • Issues with Indian River officials not wanting to do a 3rd set for mod/ JV matches if it is not a deciding set.  There was talk about putting it in the rule/ handbook however, if it is we are unable to use it as leverage/ barter for base pay. Since IR is in our section their officials need to adhere to our section X rules. 

Event Jerseys from JV OFA- Libero and players are similar and need to be completely contrasting.  Therefore, no Libero will be used or they can change their uniform.  According to NCAA rules at all levels the libero/ players have to have contrasting colors. 

  • No face paint allowed Whatsoever- scare tactic
  • Neoprene sleeves DO NOT have to be the same color. 

Missed meetings/ virtual meeting bylaws were reviewed by all members and we are all in agreement to alter wording.  We also retrograded it meaning S Wilhelm will be cleared of his 9/24/23 fee since he attended via zoom.  Motion to accept= Janice, 2nd= Adrienne


If you get a potential candidate PLEASE forward me (Sarah) their 

  1. Name
  2. E-mail address 
  3. Phone number

Potential new candidates for 2024 season: Ashley Chevier (MW JV), Michelle Thomas (FA JV) and Tiffany Richards.

State Spring meeting will be held in Binghamton in March 2024


Aug 5th (Monday): 5:00 @ Potsdam Middle School 

Aug 19th (Monday): 5:00 Rules Interpretations @ Potsdam Middle School 

Sept 22nd (Sunday): 3:00 Mid season meeting @ Potsdam Middle School

Oct 20th (Sunday): 3:00 End of season meeting @ Potsdam Middle School 

Probationary clinic- possibly just 1 meeting outside of online modules.  This will be held the week of August 12th. 

Game Staffing- Issues with not having enough bodies at the table (Libero tracker/ clock keeper and scorekeeper).  Preferably 3 people are needed but 2 will be sufficient.  Issues have been noted mainly at Malone and Salmon River with a few issues with solo Modified/ JV games at Clifton.  

  • We cannot teach new scorekeepers right before the game is about to start.
  • NCVB used to hold a clinic but no schools showed interest. 
  • If a school chooses to ignore the staffing rules we will have to start canceling games (perhaps this will get them to supply the correct staff). 

Libero Tracker: THE AWAY TEAM HAS TO PROVIDE THE TRACKER IF THE HOME TEAM DOESN’T HAVE A LIBERO (Assuming the away team has a Libero).

  • The tracker needs to sit at the table with the rest of officiating staff.
  • If Libero substitutions are not being completed correctly, Libero tracker needs to notify R2 (not the coach).

Interpreter Report/Concerns:

We addressed Sue’s concern with modified servers crossing the line too far.  If there is a concern during the match it is the coaches responsibility to address this DURING the match (they can 1. notify R2 or 2. have the floor captain speak with R1).  For the most part our officials are using their best judgment and pushing players back when needed.  However, as per our officials, all players have been starting behind the service line.  

IR- Cowboy hat→ Doesn’t slow play, it occurs off the court, no game interference therefore, no violations so it is ok. 

National Anthem: Is to be played at 1:00 remaining on the clock (if played).  Due to increased numbers of parents being military, a few of them have been reporting that players swinging their arms during the anthem is offensive.  This is NOT an issue that we deal with. No violation from our standpoint.

Seats: Seats are not to enter into the substitution zone and CANNOT be moved once a match starts.  If girls are not able to sit in chairs they need to stand at the end of the bench and may SLIGHTLY curl around if space is limited (remain in the warm up zone). 

At the end of Match between Tupper and Malone (JV) possible unsportsmanship talk/ hand slapping as well as middle fingers being revealed by Malone to the T-Lake bus. Officials can handle the situation in the gymnasium (if observed) but anything outside would be handled between ADs/ schools. 

CONFIRMED 10/31 ***** WILL BE CONFIRMED but as per scott****CONFIRMED 10/31

  • Only 2 coaches at a time can stand (main coach and 1 assistant coach)–> This is NOT the rule for Section X volleyball.   Please disregard this statement. 

The Assistant coach can approach R2 ONLY for any non judgment questions (i.e- who has the first serve, how many substitutions or timeouts do we have, etc).

Assignor’s Report: 

No issues with game assignments

The nonpreferred lists are not in yet.

Playoffs start 10/30/23:

10/30= 5 matches (2 people per match)

11/1= Semi finals: 2 matches (2 people per match)

11/2= Sectional Championship (2 matches plus lines people)

11/4= Section X Finals (3 matches) We will provide lines people, scorekeepers, Libero tracker and possibly clock (Masssena may provide their own clock keeper).  Awards will be given out at the end of the matches. 

We are hosting regionals: November 8th (Wednesday) 

(Masssena may provide their own clock keeper)

  • 1st match @4:00
  • 2nd match @ 6:00
  • 3rd match @ 8:00

PLEASE CHECK REFVIEW FREQUENTLY for any playoff game assignments 🙂 

Vice-President Report:

–Patti Baldwin Award/Nominations

–Sportsmanship Award discussed: 

Secretary/Treasurer Report:

 – Accept Minutes from 9/24/23 meeting: 

Motions to accept= Adrienne

2nd= Scott

Dues/Assessment Fees

  • Sec/ Treas received all of the dues/ fees from everyone present.
  • Due to a retrograde in Scott’s $25 “missed” meeting fee, this will go towards what he owes this year.  He is not paying Dues for the 2024 season due to the unknown and possibly he will not be returning.
    • A balance of $14 will be held in case he does return for the 2024 season, otherwise he is donating it to our organization. 
  • As per Adrienne (audit committee)- checkbook has been balanced for this season

Service Awards: Thank you for all your time and efforts officiating over the years.  Due to the recent reinstatement of service recognition the following individuals received an award this year.

  1. Adrienne- 35 years
  2. Tracie- 20 years
  3. Kyle- 15 years
  4. Ashley- 5 years
  • Next year Scott (if he returns) will be at the 5 year mark and will be the only one receiving an award. Amber took a sabbatical in the 2022 season.

Election Committee: 

Open positions- No new applicants other than for Rules Interpreter

Rules Interp= Edie Demarse

VP= Laurinda Stockwell

Assignor= Marsha

Director= Adrienne

Probationary Officials Review:

Minimal 2 year probationary period.

–Kate Porter (2nd yr Official) → moved to active duty

–Chris Savage (1st yr Official) → moved to 2nd year probationary

–Sam Sochia (1st yr Official) → moved to 2nd year probationary

Meeting adjourned @ 4:55pm

Motioned by Roxanne

2nd by Ashley