Zoom meeting called to order by President Roxanne Leclerc at 5:02 p.m.

Members Present:  Edie Demarse, Marsha Evans, Kyle Fennell, Amber Gladle, Ashley Gadway, Paul Jones, Larry Kelley, Sarah Klock, Roxanne Leclerc, Tracie Lucas, Janice Marlow, John Maskell, Adrienne Smith, Alissa Stebbins, Laruinda Stockwell, Kathy Valancius, Scott Wilhelm, Kristye Fountain

New Probationary Candidate:  Megan Biggs

Marsha stated that everyone was to get into Arbiter and enter their Block Days.  At this time she is unsure if any schools will be having scrimmages.  She will contact Sue McLean about their Round Robin Scrimmage and see if she is planning to hold that.  She will notify members if any schools plan a scrimmage.

Roxanne stated that two long time officials have decided to retire.  Rick Alhfeld and Pete Bence.  Rick started officiating in 1981 and Pete started in 1993.  Roxanne said she will bring thank you cards to the August 16th meeting for all to sign and anyone that wants to contribute to a thank you gift may do so at that time.  We will then get each outgoing official a gift card as a small recognition of the time they served our Board. Both will be missed.

Our new Probationary Candidate was introduced.  Megan Biggs joins us this season and we welcome her. 

Roxanne said the next full Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 16th and will start promptly at 4:00.  This is our rules interpretation meeting and will be presented by Sally Wise, President of NYSCVOA.  We have secured Franklin Academy classroom and gym for this event.  The first part of the meeting will be held in the classroom and then the FA Varsity Volleyball Team will be in the gym for us to get some practical experience and advice from Sally.  Enter the FA Gym door and the classroom will be the 1 door on the left past the vending machine.

Rox stated since this will be a long meeting it would be nice for people to bring snacks.

Janice will send an email out so we can get a list going on who will bring what.  Thank you in advance for participating in this.

There will be two Probationary Clinics for our new candidate and the 2nd year Probies. 

First Meeting is Wed, August 11th at 5:00 at Scotty’d Diner. The clinicians are Roxanne Leclerc and Janice Marlow.

The 2nd meeting will be Thurs, August 19th at 4:30 p.m. at SUNY Canton Gymnasium. The clinicians will be Marsha Evans and Kyle Fennell.

Roxanne set the rest of the season’s meetings.  

The mid-season meeting will be Sunday, September 19th at 2:00.  

The Season end meeting will be Sunday, October 17th at 3:00.  

Both meetings will be held at Potsdam Middle School in Marsha Evan’s classroom.

Please mark these on your calendars NOW!

This year’s Executive Board positions that will be open for election in October are:

Vice President, Rules Interpreter, 1 Director position.  Assignor is up for election every year.  

If you are interested in a position you must notify the Nominating Committee and the President 10 days before the October meeting.  7 days prior to the last meeting an email will be sent to all Members with the candidates.  On the day of the election, nominations can be made from the floor.

Roxanne encouraged members to consider running for an office.  

Roxanne gave the Committee Members she has assigned:

Audit:   Sarah Klock, Edie Demarse and Kathy Valancius

Awards:   The Vice President heads this committee:  Laurinda Stockwell with              assistance from Ashley Gadway

Nominating:   Adrienne Smith and Larry Kelley

Probationary:  Janice Marlow and Roxanne Leclerc

Professional:   Kathy Valancius, Tracie Lucas, John Maskell

Motion made by Adrienne to accept with one vote and 2nd by Kyle.  All in favor.

Discussion on uniforms.  Cammila’s Embroidery and Wicked Sports are our two vendors.  It is still not definitive if masks will be required.  Discussion on using electronic whistles which many officials liked. You may also use a regular whistle under your mask if you choose.  Adrienne stated we will probably not change sides again this season, as that was discussed at the NYS Rules Interpretation Meeting.

Members are encouraged to take the practice tests available on NYSCVOA website.  Also be prepared for a scoring section on the test.  2 modules are available on the site and members should read/watch them, as well.

Discussion on EK Jersey’s being noncompliant.  They have had a few years to change them and have still not done so.  Roxanne stated she will email Carl Normandin for his assistance in notifying the school that they must be changed for this upcoming season.

Meeting adjourned at 6:02 p.m.