MINUTES – August 21, 2023

North Country Volleyball Board 

8/21/23 Meeting mInutes

Saint Lawrence University Meeting room 

Members Present: Edie Demarse, Marsha Evans, Kyle Fennell, Ashley Gadway, Amber Gladle, Larry Kelley, Sarah Klock, Roxanne Leclerc, Paul Jones, Tracie Lucas, John Maskell, Janice Marlow,  Kate Porter, Adrienne Smith, Laurinda Stockwell, Kathy Valancius, Scott Wilhelm, Sam Sochia, Carley Bearden, Chris Savage (attending via Zoom). 

Members Absent: Chris Dashnaw (Taking a leave of absence for 2023 season)

Meeting called to order by president Roxanne Leclerc at 5:06 p.m.

Upcoming meeting schedule: 

Mid Season meeting- 9/24- 3pm @ Potsdam Middle School

End of Season meeting- 10/15- 1pm @ Potsdam Middle school 

Virtual attendance amendment discussed: Will hold off on voting as a change will occur in the constitution/ bylaw wording.  We will again review and if appropriate we will vote at the next meeting. 

Scott reviewed the test.  It is open until Sept 4th at 11:58pm.  GET IT DONE ASAP.  If you fail or would like to retake please contact Roxanne so she can reset it.  She will be busy with work so DO NOT wait until the last minute.  If you do wait and need to retake it she may not get your message.  Due to possible retakes, she requests that everyone take it by the end of August. 

To officiate these levels, you will need the following test scores. 

  • Modified- 70
  • JV- 76
  • Varsity- 82

Remember to finish all training modules before attempting the test.  The exam will not open until you do.  Veterans, you have the following: Centerline and Space under the net, Best practice techniques and rules interpretation and points of interest. New candidates, you have more modules.  

Jersey Waivers: Canton has a written waiver approved already.  They will not be getting new uniforms this year.  It is good practice to ask to see the waiver.  

Warm up area- 6ft6in in front of the benches.  

Players CANNOT stand in front of the benches during a game.  They need to sit or stand at the end of the bench.

Jewelry: NO PLUGS, NO BARS, NO HOOPS.  Players are only allowed a small stud (to the discretion of the officials) from the neck up.  Our judgment should be based on safety.  If an individual has a daith piercing for migraines it cannot be taped- they should have a medical waiver.  If anything is taped the tape must be removed.  If the player says they need something for medical reasons, a waiver is warranted. 

Coaches meeting 8/22/23: Scott will give them information on the following:

  • Warm up area/ chairs
  • Respect to officials
  • Coaches are in charge if no administrator is on duty
  • Prematch protocol:
    • Remind coaches of trying to be on time
    • Inform them that there is an abbreviated schedule for warm ups for modified and JV IF a school is late to a match. However, the abbreviated schedule depends on the home team and if they choose to give up some of their warm-up time.
    • Scott will be posting (or sending) the abbreviated schedule for Mod/ JV so please take a look. 
  • Balls= Not soft touch and should be spaulding but don’t really matter during the regular season.  Each team should have at least 2 identical balls that officials should prep prior to a match.  (Varsity will have to use Spaulding for playoffs).

Marsha: Assignor report: 

  •  New candidates will require fingerprints and all candidates will need a new w-9 (filled out during this meeting).  Once all paperwork is in, you can sign into ref view and start updating your availability.
  • Vouchers- Section X- there is an updated mileage sheet that you can print off.  It can be filled/ typed online and then printed if you wish. 
  • Printing the roster is recommended to keep in your bag incase your running late or need to contact your fellow official.
  • Refview:
    • Contract- 3 days to respond by accept/ decline
      • It is NOT necessary to send back the emailed contract (as far a Marsha is concerned).  Once you hit accept the school automatically knows who is officiating. 
      • Just accept/ decline games
      • KEEP AVAILABILITY UPDATED- by next week she will start assigning games.
      • If a school cancels a game they most likely will not notify the officials.  We recommend that you look at Ref View prior to a game for any changes.
        • If a game is canceled late (Match day- hours before the contest) (but notice is on Ref View, you will get ½ pay).
        • If a game is canceled but it is not on Ref view, an official should get full pay (THIS HAS HAPPENED).
      • As per NYSPHSAA section X Association Checklist:
        • All current association members (even probationary officials once approved) have been instructed to sign into Ref View, update their contact information, edit their SS#, activate the “Submit my w9 to all my schools” box, and click send.  *Special note: nothing is being emailed, this option allows districts and the section X office access to view W-9’s.  Districts can only view if an official has been assigned to their district.

 Scrimmages: Marsha went around and signed people up.

  • OFA- 8/30 9-12 
  • FA- 8/31 4-7

Questions discussed: 

  1. Medical bracelets:
    1. Discussion- According to the NCAA rule book, they will need to be taped or sewn to the inside of the players uniform (NOT TO THE PLAYER THEMSELVES)- Pg 29.  If it is taped on their body it would then be jewelry and it is illegal.

No other questions/ concerns and the motion to adjourn made by Janice Marlow and 2nd by Larry Kelley.  Meeting adjourned at 6:05.