MEMBERS PRESENT: Marsha Evans, Kyle Fennell, Sarah Klock, Tracie Lucas, Ashley Gadway, Scott Wilhelm, Larry Kelley, John Maskell, Kathy Valancius, Roxanne Leclerc, Janice Marlow, Adrienne Smith, Laurinda Stockwell, Kate Porter.

MEMBERS ABSENT:  Paul Jones, Edie Demarse, Chris Dashnaw, Jaine Witherell

Meeting called to oder by President Roxanne Leclerc at 3:05 p.m.

Previous meeting minutes were reviewed.  Motion to accept as written by Kyle Fennell and 2nd by Larry Kelley.  All in favor.

Roxanne reminded everyone of the positions up for election at our next meeting:  President, Secretary/Treasurer, 1 Director position and Assignor.

You must submit your interest in running for any position to the nominating committee (Larry & Adrienne) 10 days prior to the October 16th meeting.

Another reminder that our end of season meeting is October 16th at 3:00 at Potsdam Middle School.  Please make every effort to attend this meeting as it is a busy and important one.

Roxanne opened the discussions on various issues and concerns we have encountered:

Jewelry – That seems to be going well.  Mod & JV seem to need reminding that no hair ties or string bracelets are allowed.  And please note that if a STUDENT is out on the court they must follow the jewelry rule and have sneakers on. Discussion on size of studs but it was determined that is not our job to police the size. But no hoop type earrings, nose rings or eyebrow rings are allowed.

We do not have any authority over coaches or adults with jewelry issues.

Discussion was held on TL Varsity team being out of rotation frequently.  Officials encouraged to watch out for that.  

Discussion on screening. Teams have been warned we will be watching for that this season and they seem to be doing better.  

Discussion held on the taping a number on a jersey.  This is allowed a single time if it means the player would not be able to play that day.  It must be corrected before the next match.

Discussion on score table issue and schools not having 2-3 people for each position.  Roxanne stated we don’t have any real recourse when this happens.  We don’t have the authority to not officiate a match if they don’t have the proper number of people.  There was clarification that if a team has a libero, they must provide a tracker. If they do not and are home team, they do not have to provide one and the visiting team would have to provide their own tracker.

Discussion held on continuing with handshakes due to uptick of Covid. We will let the coaches and teams decide what they are comfortable with at each game.

Laurinda discussed the Patti Baldwin and Team Sportsmanship Awards.  She will send an email to all coaches reminding them to submit their nominees by October 12th.  We all need to start asking coaches who they might be nominating so we can watch them.  Also, please start observing Teams & Coaches for the team sportsmanship award.

Marsha reminded everyone to keep their block days updated. She also indicated it may be necessary for her to assign a single official for a modified game if she is short officials on that day.

Discussion held on Probationary Candidate Jaine Witherell who did not show up for meeting or let anyone know why she couldn’t attend.  This will result in her not being able to officiate this season.  Janice will send her an email informing her.

Motion to adjourn meeting made by Scott Wilhelm and 2nd by Adrienne.  Meeting adjourned at 4:28 p.m.