North Country Volleyball Board
9/22/24 Meeting minutes
Potsdam Middle School
Members Present: Edie Demarse, Marsha Evans, Ashley Todd, Paul Jones, Larry Kelley, Sarah Klock, Roxanne Leclerc, Tracie Lucas, John Maskell, Janice Marlow, Kate Porter, Adrienne Smith, Laurinda Stockwell, Kathy Valancius, Scott Wilhelm, Ashley Chevier, Jamie Carey.
Zoom attendance: Kyle Fennell, Amber Aldridge
Missing: Sam Sochia
Meeting called to order @ 1503 by Roxanne
Motion to accept the meeting minutes from our 8/19 meeting= Kyle with a second motion from Adrienne.
Elections: At the End of season meeting 10/20/24 at 11:00 we will have a few positions up for grabs. These are the following positions: Chairperson, Sec/ Treasurer, Assignor and 1 Directors positions (Larry).
**** If you are interested in any of these positions please send an email to the nominating committee(Adrienne Smith and Larry Kelley) a Minimum of 10 days prior to the end of the season meeting stating your interest.
Season 2024 concerns:
- OFA Fan- “Unsportsmanship?”-a new fan is in place so they have two fans and they are not switching it from side to side.
- There was a minor issue about our discussions in our meetings to coach/ players so as a reminder moving forward… keep what we discuss in our meeting or in our e-mail threads to officials only. These things shouldn’t be discussed with the coach/ players.
- JV players sitting on Varsity bench- This is ok during regular season but is NOT allowed for sectionals or playoffs. If they are sitting on the bench and they cause issues, sanction the team with a delay sanction.
- Teams standing in front of the bench are NOT allowed. They are allowed to stand in the warmup section only (from the end of the chairs down).
- Jewelry/ hoops- So everyone is on the same page, if you look at a hoop and you can see space/ light between the edge of the ear and the hoop… IT IS ILLEGAL and it needs to be removed.
- As for studs- this is subjective and no size is in the book anymore- use your own judgment.
- Headgear: Must be secured and not have tails that cover the numbers on the jersey.
- Religious reason- Fitted securely, no waiver required.
- If something was secure and it falls out, it is a delay of game- delay sanction warranted.
- Unprofessional coaches: AKA Brushton Coach
- Dancing, hopping around the players, screams and belittles the players by the things she says to them.
- ****If you see/ hear this please let Roxanne know and start documenting it. She will send an e-mail to Section X
- If any coaches hear these comments, please have them contact Section X as well because the more that is reported, the more that can be done about the situation.
- Dancing, hopping around the players, screams and belittles the players by the things she says to them.
- Be careful, some schools still don’t have ladders that are attached to the net supports.
- Uniforms- officials- No sweatpants/ windsuits and make sure pants are NAVY and replace as needed.
- 2- Libero System- no issues thus far
- Double hits- No issues thus far, coaches have been “less” irritated.
- Remember, if there is a double hit and it crosses the net… CALL IT- it’s fair game.
- Unusual Incidents:
- Tests: suggestions from a few veteran officials: there are plenty of separate groups of veteran officials that take the test together. When this happens, can these dates be announced to all veteran officials so everyone has a chance to attend? Taking a test in groups allows open discussions which improves the learning process.
- So many issues with test questions- there have been for years! Any significant issues/ questions don’t be afraid to send it to the e-board.
- Some questions on the test were discussed briefly in the EOT but didn’t pertain to us- i.e. 2 libero systems for boys and boys volleyball questions.
- Unfortunately new officials are unable to collaborate- they must take the test individually.
- Vice- chairperson Report
- Patti Baldwin Award/ Nominations:
- Laurinda will be sending out e-mails to all varsity coaches (Tonight 9/22/24) to inform them of the application process and that all applications will be accepted up until 11:59pm on 10/16/24.
- Ask coaches if they are nominating and if so who. This way you can keep an eye on them during the match.
- As the dates get closer remind coaches.
- Also, keep your eye out for Sportsmanship award recipients- Varsity only. When looking at Sportsmanship consider players, coaches, fans and administration.
- Patti Baldwin Award/ Nominations:
- November 4th- 7th Playoffs
- (semi-finals the first 2 nights and the finals the last night)
- November 9th are the overall championships where the awards will be given. These are morning matches.
- 2 semifinals and 2 regional matches (November 13th and16th)
Meeting adjourned: 1605 (motions to close= Scott) 2nd motion= (Adrienne)