MINUTES – September 24, 2023

9/24/23 Meeting Minutes

Potsdam Middle School

Members Present: Edie Demarse, Marsha Evans, Kyle Fennell, Ashley Gadway, Amber Gladle, Larry Kelley, Sarah Klock, Roxanne Leclerc, Paul Jones, Tracie Lucas, John Maskell, Janice Marlow, Adrienne Smith, Laurinda Stockwell, Kathy Valancius, Sam Sochia, Chris Savage. 

Present Via Zoom: Scott Wilhelm, Kate Porter

Meeting called to order by president Roxanne Leclerc at 3:05

Upcoming meeting schedule ………………..DATE CHANGED………….

End of Season meeting- 10/22/23- 3pm @ Potsdam Middle school 

At this time virtual attendance for veterans has not been approved and the bylaw wording has not been completed.  The President will make changes and send them to the Secretary to disperse changes for members to review.  So at this time virtual attendance for veterans is not in effect however, this is only in effect for probies.

Positions that are up for grabs: 

  1. Director
  2. Vice President
  3. Assignor

Any veteran official interested in these positions must send an e-mail to Adrienne and/ or Larry AT LEAST 10 days prior to our end of the season meeting (10/22/23).  This e-mail must express that you are interested in running and for what position. 

NYSCVOA: Spectator issues.

  • This is becoming concerning in a few schools and the state is trying to figure out how to handle/ address this issue.  If you have/ had any issues with spectators please send an email to Roxanne.  She will then forward this information to NYSCVOA.  Any issue is ammunition for the state which will allow them to come up with a proper handling protocol. 

Yellow Card/ disqualification website: sectionxboces.org

  • Discussion about sportsmanship and personal experiences.
  • We are not required to fill out the website for a yellow card- only for expulsion or disqualifications. 
  • This website doesn’t really pertain to sanctions in Volleyball

There have been issues with Clock/ home book and libero trackers being the same person at schools.  The clock personnel and libero tracker CAN be the same person. 

Ladder issues/ safety.  Be aware of the ladder prior to climbing to prevent personal injury.  Schools where ladders are not attached: Gouverneur, Massena, C-Fine, Madrid (not sure of any other schools).

According to Manual- Modified level DOES switch at 13 in a deciding set and they go to 25 points. 

If there are any injuries please ensure that a Liability alert form is filled out and sent to Roxanne/ Section X to cover us. 

Medical emergency: ANY medical emergency

  1. Player takes a knee (doesn’t matter if it is during a rally or between rallies)
    1. If it happens during a rally, the situation is settled and there is a replay.
  2. The player gets 30 sec to handle the situation.
  3. IF longer than 30 sec is needed the coach is required to substitute OR take a Time out however the player CANNOT be rushed off the floor!

Towel placement: setters- Doesn’t matter, it can be on the front or back.  If it is on the front and it touches the net there is no penalty.  It’s like a jersey or hair touching the net.  

  • However, if it falls off during a rally a team CAN be penalized with a team delay
    • But, if the player is quick to replace the towel and no delay in the game is noted, it is the officials discretion to card/ not to card. 

Our Uniforms: If anything is turning colors or looks worn, please replace it with clean professional attire.

  1. Navy pants/ shorts (no joggers or sweatpants)- professional attire
  2. White polo with the appropriate logo
  3. All while shoes

Ribbons: in hair and on shoes are allowed as long as they are securely attached.  

  • However, if they fall off during a rally a team CAN be penalized with a team delay
    • But, if the player is quick to replace or remove the item and no delay in the game is noted, it is the officials discretion to card/ not to card. 

Modified levels: give them a little more leeway compared to JV/ Varsity.  They can take one step in while serving but they should be starting behind the line.

Madrid waddington →Varsity Only←: Does NOT have a libero or a tracker therefore, the opposing team MUST have a libero tracker if they are using one.  The home school is NOT responsible for a Libero Tracker. 

Players CANNOT stand in front of the benches during a game.  They need to sit AND/OR stand at the end of the bench but they don’t all have to do the same thing.

Vice President report: 

  • End of the season awards: Keep a look out for the following:
    • Sportsmanship awards
    • Patty Baldwin award (PB)
      • Suggest coaches to start thinking and if they have a person in mind find out who so you can keep a lookout for them.
      • Nominees (with photo) for the PB will be due by 10/17/23 @ 11:59. (date changed due to change in our meeting date)
        • Coaches can pick more than 1 nominee but we discourage it as it splits their votes.

Assignors report: 

  • To date, we have only had to turn in three matches due to having a lack of officials.
  • Keep your availability up to date on the computer and check frequently for new game assignments.
  • Be aware that if you accept a Canton game that if their gym still isn’t ready you might have to travel to the opposing team’s site.
  • Let Marsha know of any schedule changes that may arise

→ → → End of season meeting there was discussion on changing it since we have a large amount of our officials not available.  Due to voting we need people to attend.  We took a poll and more people can attend on 10/22/23 therefore, we will change the meeting date to 10/22/23 at 3PM. Those who cannot attend on the 22nd will not have to pay a fine due to this switch. ←←←

No other questions/ concerns and the motion to adjourn made by Amber and 2nd by Kyle.  Meeting adjourned at 4:07