MINUTES – August, 5, 2024

North Country Volleyball Board 

8/5/24 Meeting minutes

Potsdam High School

Members Present: Marsha Evans, Ashley Todd, Amber Aldridge, Larry Kelley, Sarah Klock, Roxanne Leclerc, Tracie Lucas, John Maskell, Janice Marlow, Paul Jones (Zoom), Kyle Fennell, Adrienne Smith, Laurinda Stockwell, Kathy Valancius, Sam Sochia, Scott Wilhelm, Kate Porter, Jamie Carey, Ashley Chevier, Michele Thomas, 

Missing: Edie Demarse

Meeting called to order by president Roxanne Leclerc at 5:16pm

President’s report: 

  1. Introductions of everyone.
  2. Minutes from 10/22/23 end of season meeting reviewed and no issues.  Motions to accept= Janice Marlow and 2nd Scott Wilheim.
  3. W-9s passed out and completed

EOT training- all completed by veterans, Ashley has completed as well. 

Test will be available from 8/5/24- 9/12/24 which was released today. We highly recommend NOT taking the test until the rules interpretation meeting on 8/19/24.

Coaches meeting will be held 8/27/24.

No scrimmages this year, just interschool play for new officials or for current officials who want to brush up their skills.  Possibly Malone, Canton and Madrid- stay tuned. 


  • End of year election information:  Positions open at the end of this year.
    • President
    • Secretary/ Treasurer
    • One Director (Larry)
  • Appointment of committees:
    • Professional Committee: Larry, Kyle and Ashley 
    • Audit Committee: Adrienne Smith, Amber Aldridge, Kathy Valancius 
    • Awards Committee: Laurinda Stockwell, Tracie Lucas
    • Nominating Committee: Adrienne Smith, Larry Kelley 
    • Probationary Committee: Scott Wilhelm, Laurinda Stockwell. 

If you want to run at the end of this year for any open position, please let the nominating committee know by 10/10/24 (10 days before the election).  

Upcoming Meeting Dates: 

8/18/24: Probationary meeting 1:00@ Potsdam Bagelry 

8/19/24: Rules interpretation 5:00pm @ POTSDAM MIDDLE SCHOOL (Monday)

8/27/24: Coaches Meeting 6:00pm (officials do not attend- just FYI) 

9/22/24: Mid Season meeting 3:00pm @ POTSDAM MIDDLE SCHOOL (Sunday)

10/20/24: End of the season meeting 3:00pm @ POTSDAM MIDDLE SCHOOL (Sunday)

Scott’s website:

NCVBO.com for documents/ links.  Checkmarks= updated.  If you would like to see anything on this page let Scott know. 


  1. Camilla Embroidery website
  2. Diamondback Apparel
  • Items found on these pages that are needed include: shirts, yellow/ red cards, fox 40 whistle, net chain.
  • Items needed but not found on these websites: navy blue dress pants, white shoes.
  • Pinks shirts are available for October however, you must match your partner; prearrange this uniform prior to wearing to a match.

You should print off “The Manual” NYSCVOA as well as have extra copies of the Libero Tracker/ scorekeeper papers and lineup sheets. 

Probationary meeting: 1 meeting will be held with an attempt for on court training. 

Rule changes: These will be reviewed during the rules interpretation meeting. 

  • Removing double hit unless it goes over the net
  • Double libero- for girls now.

Secretary/ Treasurer report (Sarah Klock): 

  • Treasurer report was sent around.  Everything was balanced and we are moving forward. No issues reported by the organization at this time.
  • If you have any changes in addresses/ e-mails or names please let me (Sarah) know ASAP.  I have the most current changes. 


  • Refview: check before going to games because if they are canceled and you go to the game you will NOT get paid.  
  • If not canceled on Refview and you go to the game to find out it was canceled, you WILL get paid.  
  • Make sure you update your availability in the computer that way it makes Marsha’s job easier when assigning games. 
  • There are some trimatches and Saturday games this year.
  • This year St Regis Falls and Indian River will not be on the Team roster. 

Sarah Handed out new NCAA rule books: (Edie- Janice has your book and Paul, John has your book). 

Motions to adjourn the meeting @ 6:24pm: Motion= Kyle Fennell, second= Amber Aldridge.